starting a new chapter

Saturday, January 20, 2007

And there was another!

We have been waiting for 18 months to here the great news and finally it came, Fallan is Pregnant! We found out on Tuesday the 9th of January. Fallan came back from the doctor's office and had me go out to the car to get her perscription. When I got to the car I saw a baby bib and lotion sitting in the driver's seat, I was overcome with joy (I only showed about as much as Papa Wilckens though, that went over well). We had our first sonogram a couple days ago, at 6 weeks, and the doctor said that everything is going great! We have another one scheduled in a couple weeks where hopefully we get to see the heart beat. Thank you so much for the prayers and we can use them more than ever now. does that look like a volleyball, I don't think she realizes that babies weigh a little more than that. Posted by Picasa

Party with the Family

Matt is surrounded by such beautiful women. Too many to drink or out to late...Yeah they're an old couple, they were out too late. Hmmmm......who's going to babysit who? Fallan finally converted one of the Wilckens to the Darkside, now she just needs to work on Matt. Posted by Picasa

Navy Bowl Game

Kate, Mom, and I look pretty before the Bowl game in Charlotte N.C. What a true Navy fan, I wonder if his style comes from his father. Can anyone really tune Andy out?! Like mother like daughter, or something like that. Posted by Picasa

Christmas in Arkansas (Daniels Family)

Me with my very beautiful Step-mother Shiree. The pretty sister and cousin. Anyone looking for a date? hehe Posted by Picasa

Christmas back in Arkansas (Johnson home)

Matt gives Brett his first Tatoo! Mom had the great idea of getting Brett a fake tatoo machine for Christmas. Good One Tempa! Is that product in their hair? The Johnson Clan, aren't we a good looking bunch? Posted by Picasa

Matt and I at the "Maxim" Christmas Party!  Posted by Picasa