starting a new chapter

Sunday, March 25, 2007

15 Weeks

Here is the belly at 15 Weeks! I am getting really poochy! This is my first Prego dress!!!! Posted by Picasa

Dinner with the Family!

Matt's uncle Ed, me, and Matt Little Ed, Granma, Uncle Ed Cousin Jennifer, Grandad, and Aunt Penny Dinner was so much fun. We had great conversations and lots of laughs. I love his family! Can you believe how handsome and beautiful his grandparents are? Posted by Picasa

Beach House with Grandad and Granma

Matt Showing off for us on this "KID SIZE" boogie board. Look at Mr. Baywatch We spent a week with Matts Grandparents in St. Augustine Florida. They had a beautiful house on the water that was so wonderful. We had such a great time. It was so good to spend quality time with his grandparents for an extended period of time. I wanted to stay forever, but Matt reminded me of this thing called reality..Oh yeah! Posted by Picasa

Momma Wilckens and Kate come to visit

See you can tell I am "thicker" I promise there is a baby in there. Matt, Momma Peggy, and Kate having fun on St. Patrick's Day Mom and Kate came to visit Matt and I on their spring break. It was so good to see them and show them around Pensacola. (I know It was alot to see in big ol P'cola) We went went to eat at Bonefish, which is my favorite, and out of the beach for St. Patrick's Day. Then next day we invited our friends over for a cook out so mom and Kate could meet all of our friends down here. It was a very enjoyable visit. We hated to see them go. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 11, 2007

At the Beach In March!!!

I'll tell you what, that is the hottest couple I've seen south of the Alabama border. We need to tell the guy that even though he lives down here he doesn't need to fit in with that nice farmers tan of his. Actually it's from playing a little too much golf. Last week he played 4 full rounds, one of which was beating his dad (first time in 24 years!). Fallan is almost 13 weeks pregnant and can still hang with all the skinny girls! Even though she feel likes she's getting bigger it doesn't stop all the spring breakers from hitting on her, you should see their face whe she tells them that not only is she married but also pregnant. Ever seen a better looking group of guys? Yeah I didn't think so. Dad came into town and was the first from Matt's side of the family to see our house. We had a great time going out to eat, playing golf and hitting the beach. Now to the boring stuff...I just finished API, the first part of ground school, and will be checking in to Primary on the 12th of March. I am scheduled to start the second part of flight school on the 26th of March. Fallan and I will be heading out of town to St. Augustine to visit the Grandparents for a week during this break. This is a well deserved vacation for me, I don't know if I can play any more golf at Whiting Field, I definitely need a change of scenery. Seriously, Fallan has been working her tail off and needs this break and a nice big full body massage after working so hard the past couple of months (being pregnant hasn't helped either). Fallan has finally made it through the first trimester and both she and the baby are healthy! continue to keep us in your prayers, especially me. She hasn't been too sick but I'll tell you what those books aren't lying when they tell you about the cravings. She is glad that "the baby" doesn't want fried foods anymore and wants more fuits, I think the next thing on the list will be Herb's Bean and Cheese Nachos, TLC's Fries and a McCalister's 1/2 and 1/2 Sweat Tea (no lemon), and none of these places are here!!!! Like I said, please keep me in your prayers. Posted by Picasa

Mardi Gras!

Who thought that you had to go all the way to New Orleans to have a great Mardi Gras? Well before this year I thought that you did, Pensacola is the when it comes to Mardi Gras, not only do you get beads but you get MOON PIES ALSO!!!! We went out with our friends Nate and Suzannah Early and Joey Pasko (the cool jet pilot) came down from Meridian to hang out with the married folks. I guess the guys thought that Fallan was better looking than I was. She's pregnant and still has it!!!! Posted by Picasa