starting a new chapter

Sunday, April 29, 2007

20 week belly!
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Week 20!

All these pictures were taken on the same day, and I look so much bigger in the green shirt! I have finally hit the half way point and still forget I am pregnant! If its always this easy I can handle this 5 more times. Yeah I know wait till the delivery and I will be thinking something different.
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19 Weeks!!!

Matt and I at our dear friends Stephanie and Ryans house. They have an awesome house that is right across the street from the Beach! Stephanie and I originally had the same due date, but now I think I am a little over a week farther along. It is soooooooooooo exciting, because when we both lived in Virginia I kept telling her I wanted her to start trying to have a baby so we could have babies together. She just laughed at me and said We will see. Little did I know it would take Matt and I almost a year to get pregnant with this precious angel, so when she called to tell me she was pregnant and the due dates were so close I was sooooooooooooooooooo excited! God works things out in his wonderful timing. Stephanie looks so cute in her maternity swimsuit, that it makes me re-think the whole "its natural, I am going to wear my regular swimsuit all summer" idea. I am starting to realize that not everyone wants to see "ALL OF ME", but until then 2 piece bikini all the way..haha My wonderful Matt has been really busy. I know you are all saying FINALLY! Its about time he gets to work, but you all would be so proud of him. He is such a wonderful student. He puts 100% in whatever he does, and is going to be the best pilot. He has already had two flights, and both times did really well and impressed the instructors. He will fly again tomorrow. I have been studying with him at night and really realize how hard it is and how much our pilot's go through just to serve their country with pride. I am so proud to be married to someone I respect as much as I do Matt. Lastly, I quit my job at Maxim. Praise the Lord! I will no longer be working 60 hour weeks! It came at such a good time so not I can focus on Matt and his studying and staying healthy for this little angel I am carrying. However, you all know me I can't sit still and count down the days until I deliver. So I got a job at a gym working Tuesdays, Thursdays, and a shorter day on Saturday. I figured as long as I have felt as good as I have felt being pregnant why not try to make a little more money before little one gets here. I am loving it! I have fun working at a gym where its so much more relaxed, and its helps me to TRY to work out everyday. So the Wilckens family is loving life. We are truly blessed and thankful for all God has given us. Please keep Matthew in your prayers for Gods protection while he fly's and that he will keep retaining all the material, and for me that me and little man will continue to be healthy. We love you and thank you all for your support.
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Friday, April 20, 2007

18 weeks Preggo!

Matt and I at the Milton,Fl Rodeo!!! The crazy thing is that half of the Cowboys were from ARKANSAS! We grow the well in Arkansas.
The belly and the rear keep growning and growing and growing! I cant imagine what I will look like in September
Guess what? We found out today that our baby is healthy and growing wonderfully. The doctor said everything looks perfect! He also to us we are having a BOY!!! YAY!!! I told everyone I didn't really care what I was having as long as it was healthy, but deep down I really wanted my first born to be a boy. We are so blessed! Thanks for all the prayers and support. Matt is having his first flight today. SO he needs alot of prayers also. He is doing really good so far, but I think today being his first flight is really overwhelming. We all know he will do wonderful!!!
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