starting a new chapter

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Cami jo's photo shoot

Cross playing in the mud

Sunday, April 05, 2009

I am so sorry it has been forever since we have posted. I forgot we even had a blog until I had many request to update it, so here it is! We are so blessed to be settled here in NC in our first home with our sweet family. Cross man who is now 18months is Mr. Outdoor explorer. He was outside yesterday from 2pm until we had to drag him inside at 7:30 for bed. What was he doing? oh just look at the birds, grass, and walking around. The smallest things amaze my little angel. Camden Jo is now 3 weeks old and is our precious angel. We all know I was blessed to have Cross be a wonderful baby, especailly when it came to sleeping. Everyone told me that it could not happen with baby #2 and Camden was going to be my wild child:) Well so far so good. I hate to say it but she is actually even better than Cross was. She has only gotten up once a night since we have been home from the hospital. However, she is only 3 weeks old and alot can change, but for now she has been such a delightful baby. Cross adores her and will not stop kissing his baby. Everytime he comes down stairs he bypasses Matt and I to find his baby to give her the first kiss then comes back to kiss us. Life is great. I feel so blessed to have a PERFECT family. I have a husband who is so helpful and loves to take care of us. He actually does so much with the kids. He even gets up in the middle of the night to feel Camden. I have a real keeper. Well its time to go for a walk with the kids. I promise I will keep the post coming alot for frequent. God Bless.