starting a new chapter

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Matt and I went on base so he could study with the plane. He let me climb in and tried to teach me a about the plane and how to fly. YEAH RIGHT! I don't know how he does it.
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28 Week along!

Okay so Matt and I decided to do a 5K race on Saturday. No prob right? Well keep in mind we had already swam earlier that day and got a pretty good cardio workout. We were just going to go do the run and walk the entire time for a good time. Well when we arrived I saw that there was an award for the top 25 walkers. This race had about 400 people all together, but most were running. Seeing how I am 28 weeks preggo I cant run! SO I ask Matt if he thought I had a chance on being the top 25 walkers. I was forgetting that I was usually a runner and had never WALKED for real ever. He was obviously the supportive husband and was like sure honey. So off we go. I had never seen so many people walk so fast in my life. Did you know walking was a competition? These people were pro's I mean they had the old men who were passing the runners and these men were just walking. However, I always thought Matt was the competitive one. WRONG! The more we got into the walk the faster I began walking. I was floating in the air. I mean I had the arms, the hips, and the legs going 90 to nothing. After half way I used Matt to tell me who was coming up behind me and how much faster I needed to go. We were feet away from the finish line when some woman thought she would pass me at the end. NO WAY! This pregnant girl wants her award! As we approach the finish line she told me to move out of the way, so I very nicely gave her a little nudge with my elbow and came to the finish life #16. Matt and I dressed in our 80's tank tops and his spike hair. Doesnt he look like Ice Man of Top Gun? He said he hoped he could fly as good as Ice Man. The Walking Champion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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